Thursday, July 23, 2009

All work & no play......

80 hours a week. 3 years. But I bought a little house this week of my very own. I can paint the walls and decorate it just as I like it. I am SO STOKED!! Can't wait to move in and get started and leave behind my apartment with it's noisy neighbors, gunshots and overturned grocery carts lining the street. Yeah!! So excited!!

All my hours of answering phones and waiting tables are finally paying off. Now to save up for Italy!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

80 hours per week of anything can't be fun....

Okay, the world of reception has lost its luster. Lost it after 2 weeks, but that's neither here nor there. This is the year I turn 40 (you should now be thinking I don't look anywhere near 40!), so I've decided to turn my focus from paying off all debt and settling down to having a life filled with adventure and excitement. I figure I'll meet someone in the midst of all this wonderful chaos and we'll go from there! So, I am now getting ready to attend shoemaking school in Italy. I'm learning Italian and getting ready to eat fabulous Italian food, flirt with Italian men and leave behind my boring phone-answering, coffee-getting existence behind!!